Where to begin with my post today, hmm perhaps I can start with my crappy dancing that I displayed at the gym. Yes lets start with that subject for today. I came into the gym with high hopes I would buck up and start doing my workout and not play around( which didn't happen). I got my gym gear on, made my way down to the cinema, where they play music videos or movies while you are working out. I got on the treadmill and I started my speed-walking to get me warmed up to a song by B.o.B "beautiful girls. While I was gasping for breath like a fish I was challenged to dance with my sister( by my sister). We changed the song to usher " Love you down" and I watched my sister dance like she was in a club. As I was watching her dance as if she was dancing her entire life, I began to want to dance as well. As I started to grow this image of myself doing the same thing, I threw myself under the bus (or should I say under the treadmill). I began dancing while my sister was watching me and I looked like I was moving to get out of the way of bullets being fired at me not dancing. Now I know that there are things I am just not that good at( like exercising) but to think that trying to come up with a dance move out of the blue was so hard just made me feel worse. I stopped dancing once I realized that I was looking like I was dying and just sat down on the bikes. Of course another song came on and again I watched my sister dance better then I could have imagined and I of course began this imagination of what I could do to be even in her league. So I got up again to begin dance and all I could see was my limbs struggling to connect what I was thinking to reality. Also watching my sister's face as I was struggling to stay afloat on the dance floor made me stop all together. So after my sister stopped she asked me to keep going and I did( like an idiot), still squirming like a worm that was frying in the hot sun, I did my best to dance.

After dancing for about three minutes( which wasn't dancing just legs and arms moving) I told my sister I was done and sat down. She no doubt she asked me to me to dance again(but this time I learned my lesson) I said no. She other wise got frustrated with telling me that I wasn't trying and that I was caring to much what she thought about and called me a pussy. Now being called a pussy wasn't the problem because I have been called fat Indian, lesbian shit head and so on, but the fact that my sister completely saw past the fact that I looked like I was dying up there dancing, telling me that I wasn't trying hit me like a brick. With all my efforts to even try to dance was completely looked passed.
After my utter shock I left the cinema and went upstairs to shower off the humiliation. While I was on my way to the shower my mom was talking about how she spent 40 minutes working out as I was dancing downstairs like a fool. I went to my locker and begin showering. After my shower I spent at least twenty minutes putting on and off shirts by my mom because the shirt I brought was too tight and completely didn't go with my whole outfit (something else to prove that I have no skills in fashion). After that I brushed my hair and saw a water bug crawling( like my weird self)so I followed it. Until my sister and my mom paused right in the middle of what they were doing and completely stared at me acting like a three year old. Looking at them(trying to laugh it off) I went back to what I was doing, and now I am sitting here in this chair typing to you because......well it seems right. I think I will stop here and allow you to soak in what I just wrote. Bye :)
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