Now I have been traveling since I could poop for the first time, and nothing says traveling like a road trip. Now what better road trip then to California. But what happens along the way there? That something most people don't tell you about. I live in Georgia and I take root 66 to california all the time. But good old fashion root 66 isn't all desert and fun, there is more there then meets the eye.
I have been to towns you only thought was in movies, I mean scary movies. And there is nothing pretty about them when you are an African America coming through those parts. Sometimes when you are making your way from the east to the west you

I'm not trying to scare you in any way possible I am just talking about what I saw and what I went through. I mean I have traveled all of the south and east and west part of the United states. But now it is time to share with you the best parts about me traveling back and forth through the hot and dry plummet of death. I think one of the best parts of traveling in the desert is when you come upon a town you wouldn't think could survive in the desert.
Like this one time I was traveling with my family, mom and dad sitting in the front sister sitting in the back sleeping. Then there is me trying to shift to relieve my long legs from the cramp position I have been sitting in for the last three hours. I stare out the window in a complete daze wondering what my life could have been like if I jumped out of the car right at that moment. But staring at nothing but red boiling hot mountains and dry desert, I begin to come out of that daze and shift my attention to something else. Soon after hearing my mom and dad talking about nothing but what happen in the past, I see a town with Casinos and Hotles and everything you would find in a TOWN. Then after three minutes your back to the same old thing, I guess that is what makes traveling so fun. To come upon the unknown and find something you would even Imagine lived out in something like the desert, and then to disappear as if it never existed. That is my post for today
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