Today I was reading one of my National geographic magazines (travelers issue) and I saw some of the foods that are in different countries that made me think. Now if you know me then you know that I love food with a passion. So thinking about other countries food makes me wonder, what would chinese dumplings taste like? This was just one question out of the hundreds of question that I have and that I thought about.
(getting off subject) I was in the book store grabbing my usual fix of travel magazines, when I had something happen to me. I was reading one of the magazines and the advertisements for the magazine fell out. Now I know to you this is nothing amazing but for a split second I thought about, what if I picked up a magazine and the thing that fell out was a piece of old paper from some other culture? Or maybe a small book that had writing from a dead language that just happened to fall into my lap. Of course as I was searching through the travel magazines this did not happen. So to take my mind of the disappointing fantasy that I was in I started reading the magazines.
Thus after a while I began to get bored and I wondered over to the books and started seeing what I could read over there. Soon I saw one about an African-American slave who sold her body to rich men (secretly) to live. Then I saw another book about Cleopatra's daughter and how she was a slave and was fighting to save her life(boring). I mean I don't have to read these books to know the story I can simply go to the projects to find these stories. So I scaled down to find nothing but the dust on the book cases to be more interesting than the books.

In conclusion I drifted over to the toys that was way more interesting to me than the books, but the people staring at me like I was a mental case wasn't fun. But I have come to know that I do a lot of things differently than others and that I really don't care what others think about me. I mean I have done things that people would find to be uncool but who cares what they think. I mean after being in the hospital and traveling my whole life I have become numb to what people think of me.
I also have been having night mares like crazy these last few days, they have been of people dyeing and monsters of sorts. I mean these don't scare me or scar me in any way I have had these dreams long enough to no care but they are becoming out of hand. I see people dyeing and it's not them dropping dead I mean guts and blood and bones and everything. Like last night I was in a dream where I was eating at a table with this woman and she told me to turn around, I did as was told and saw this young boy being cut to death by this man with a chain saw. It wasn't frightening but I had to find a way to stop him from being hurt so when I went to get up I was stuck to the chair and I couldn't move. I looked back at the woman and she just smiles as if I was next on the chopping block. And then I woke up , these dreams don't scare me but they do make me become distant from people who are around me. Some find me to be weird of different and they really don't like that very much.
Any way that was a little too much to be letting you know so I am going to stop here, and until next time keep the peace losers. lol
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